Playful Socks | Hong Kong Series-Playful Socks | Hong Kong Series-Rooster Socks
HKD ${{ isSelectedAllOptions ? selected_product['original_price'] : product['original_price']}}
HKD ${{ isSelectedAllOptions ? selected_product['price'] : product['price'] }}
Inspired by the infamous Rooster bowls, we designed the rooster socks to pay tribute to this culturally rich designs.
Back in the days, the rooster bowls are were known for their above-average quality and act as an affordable alternative for those who could not afford the bowls of the upper class.
They were first made by the Hakka community around the Guangdong Province over a hundred years ago. Some people say that "rooster" represents "family" in Hakka while the peonies painted on the bowl refers to a common Chinese saying – “花開富貴” which means the flowers blossom with richness or prosperity.
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