Playful Socks | Kanioko series-Playful Socks | Kanioko series-Macarrão Socks
HKD ${{ isSelectedAllOptions ? selected_product['original_price'] : product['original_price']}}
HKD ${{ isSelectedAllOptions ? selected_product['price'] : product['price'] }}
"For the 'Macarrão' designs, I wanted to create an art that could represent street food culture majority, that is predominant in various asian countries. So, I really wanted to pay an homage to this beautiful culture with diverse foods, but specifically the noodles, of course for being more popular. 'Macarrão' means 'noodles' in Portuguese (Brazil)." ----- Daniel @Kanioko
*Slurp* Hmmm ... This ramen / noodles socks is indeed Too Hot to Handle!
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